Nate's choice of subject was 6828 Twin Wing Spoiler, which as you may recall, wasn't a particular favorite of mine. I thought the choice in itself was interesting and asked to see his model.
I liked his Survey Hovercraft and asked his permission to rebuild it and post my attempt at replicating his model. Fortunately it's small, so it wasn't too difficult.
Here's one of Nate's images of his LDraw build.
For a brief moment I wasn't quite sure how he'd connected his chair to the main body, and I also discovered that two of his connections on the underside were not as tight as I would have liked. It's interesting to see how the LDraw system doesn't have to worry about clutch strength, and so nearly derailed my build twice. I did add one piece I'm pretty sure wasn't part of the build, so as to strengthen the model's integrity.
I added this 1x2 plate
Because these eyelet's
Weren't getting sufficient grip from this handle/window/headrest thingamabob
Other than that the model is the same.
The Survey Hovercraft used all but two parts from 6828 Twin Wing Spoiler, though I'm sure I could pare that down to one extra part if I felt like it.
I hope you enjoyed this alternate. I'm currently not taking submissions to build Futuron LDraw images, but if you have one you'd like to share, feel free to link it in the comments.
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