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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Movie Night: Re-Imagine Seatron Instructions

I've seen a fair few Lego instruction videos on Youtube and thought I'd give it a shot, not least of which, I've had 2 people ask me to make videos and I told them no, I've recorded and listened to my voice... and I have a voice made for digital text.  You'll notice I don't say a word in this video.😐

Comments are disabled for the kids, but hop on over to the Futuron of My Youth Facebook page, or drop a comment here if you wanna give a shout. 

For Experiment 1 I loaded up the ole instruction photos I'd already produced and set up a video for the Seatron Spaceship.  You can also find the individual slides on the Facebook page linked above, just look in the Futuron of My Youth photo albums.  I've also recently added a Ninjago Kai Fighter Inspired Space Police instructional album at the request of several folks on Facebook.  I used a similar style as this and it's what got me pondering starting this idea as an infrequent  but fun way to continue producing things for the blog without buying more Lego.

If you make a request for content related to my content, I may not get to it, due to lack of time, lack of proper equipment, lack of technical expertise, or  just my own personal disinterest, but I'll usually file it away as a generative idea for later. 
I do kinda like making instructions, so if you see something I've made and want to build it... as long as I've still got it built, and I've got the time I can definitely pursue these sorts of requests.

Thanks for visiting

Sincerely, The Cure-all Pill

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