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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Futuron: 6875 Hovercraft~Alternate 3

A toy is good when you can have a lot of fun with it.  My initial appraisal of Hovercraft from photographs was of a lesser, forgettable Futuron set which failed to achieve any fame or notoriety equal to Star Defender 200 or Monorail Transport system.

My time with this set has allowed me to see that for all its unassuming shape, and weird quirks it's probably futuron's most balanced toy design.  The parts are complimentary to one another, and the balance of cool to necessary parts is near perfect.  When disassembled, this toy is a treat.

On the planet of moon a tower was built.  Itt was no ordinary tower, for it moved upon the craters and the grades of lunar dust.  Some say it had eyes which saw all things hid in the heavens.

It came to pass that a shooting star streaked downward over the horizon and it caught the attention of the tower.

The tower's eyes followed the streak like lightning past the point of visibility.  Unable to continue following the trail of light, the downcast eyes of the tower fixed an oblique gaze upon the dust.  The tower exhaled with a groaning, grinding sob, for it had lost its quarry.  The keeper of the tower stepped upon the lunar soil and console the dejected tower.  He prodded and cajoled it with comforting words.  "Dagnabbit! the rotational sensor's locked up again."

The tower's caretaker convinced  the tower to look heavens-ward once more and both set out to catch the fallen star.

No one can say what was found for both the tower and its operator were lost on the dark side of planet Moon.

The end.

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