Today's post is a showcase of the art for the electric Futuron sets. It took some time to track down 6770's alternates, but like all things, it eventually surfaced on the interwebs.
From Peeron: Lego 6770 Magma Carrier
And here is the sealed contents with flip up lid. The lid gives details on how the light system works.
From Steelerstiv on Ebay, thanks for bringing this picture to the internet.
In general, the heavy use of wheels and tendency toward long generic vehicles go a long way towards hinting at the spare options for this set, but as alternates go, these look pretty fun.
If you go to there's an, intense, excellent looking blog review of 6990 which I can't read without Google Translate. He's the source of these other sourced images, check it out, it's a great, and in my opinion, superior companion piece to my own post. I feel a great desire to upgrade my camera now; which has happened since, and I am whittling my way through this blog updating. Anyways, check his photographs out.
Doboz Fedlapja (Flickr)

Underneath the lid is a panel showing off the various features of 6990.
Fedlap belső része (via flickr).

Here's a sealed copy of 6990 with all the parts in the display layout.
Egyszerűen tökéletes! (via

The alternates present more stations with more trains. It's impressive, apparently, all the designers could make with the set was more of the same. Though, there are a few hovercraft models around, and the use of the train bogey on a smaller car is intriguing.
Doboz hátoldala. Tömény (via flickr)

Once again, that's all for this post.
Peace out, Cure-all Pill
Hi. I recently bought 6893 as part of a Futuron-completist attempt (slightly spoilt by my collection being split across two countries), and I noticed you didn't have the back box art / alternative models, so I thought I'd oblige.
Here's the front and back at Tumblr.
Thanks for the posts- there's good stuff, and your alternative models are inspiring. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your consideration Mr. Mison, I'm sorry I didn't thank you right away. August is my busiest month of the year leading into September, but when I saw your post it made my day! Seriously, I spent hours searching for that picture. You're awesome.
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